Floral Tops + The Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale

Nordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary SaleNordstrom's Anniversary Sale Outfit Details: floral top // blue shorts (on sale!) // brown sandals // red lipstick // earrings 

 Good Morning! 

Is the the Mondayest, Tuesday or what!? (hehe, corny I know) But I really do hope everyone had a fabulous Fourth of July weekend. If you follow me on snapchat (lauren_smith6), you guys know that we went to Austin Friday to look at a venue and to have a little get away with my dad at the Barton Springs Resort and Spa. Sunday, we drove back to Houston for my mother’s annual Fourth of July party and then Monday we had a pretty chill day and just grilled by the pool with some of our best friends! 

It was a really, really nice weekend. It included the perfect about of relaxation, mixed with a lot of family time and friends. I picked up this top from Nordstrom’s before heading out of town Friday, and it was instantly the hit of the weekend. I wore it multiple times! Recently I have been loving the floral, boho trend, and this top is no exception! 

Speaking of Nordstrom’s, I wanted to talk to you guys about the Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale that is coming up. 

You may see a lot of blogs talking about this sale, and it’s because, well, it’s a big deal. Yeah, other stores have sales all the time, but I promise this is THE NUMBER ONE SALE of the year. Like I look forward to it all year round. 

Why do I love it? Because everything that is on sale is new. It’s brand new items, for the fall season, that are not out yet and are immediately put on sale. 

This is the sale where I got my favorite work pumps, my pink trench coat, my favorite Marc Jacobs purse, fall booties and more. It’s the sale where I buy all of my staples, but for a third of the price. I personally buy everything through my Nordstrom’s debit card, which is linked directly to my bank account so that I can gain points (notes) through everything I buy. 

If you have a Nordstrom’s card like I do, then you get to shop the Anniversary Sale before the actual sale starts for the public. Which means, favorite items are not sold out & you get to earn money back on what you’re spending! 

You can apply for one, here! The Early Access Sale starts July 14, so if you order it now, you can still get the card in time! 

Any who, that’s all I have for today! 

I’ll see you guys tomorrow!:)




ASTR tie sleeve floralForal Print Peasant topLush Lust Floral PrintASTR Off the Shoulder Topstoree floral print

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