My Favorite Pre & Post Workout Snacks


Hello you guys! Welcome back! 

Pre & Post Workout Meals are vital to performing your best and seeing results. When it comes to my Pre Workout snacks, it all depends on my day and when I am working out. If I just had breakfast an hour ago, I will not have a Pre-Workout Snack, but if it has been a few hours since eating and I am working out at lunch, then I need a snack to get my energy up and to help me get through my workout. For Pre-Workout snacks, I like them to be under 200 calories, and have a mixture between carbs, a little bit of protein and healthy fats. 

Then when it comes to my Post Workout snacks or meals, I never miss them! It is extremely important to eat something within in hour of working out so that your body can repair itself and grow properly. For Post Workout, I aim for under 300 calories and high protein and complex carbs are key! 

Pre Workout Snacks 

  1. Avocado Toast: Very basic of me, but I love Avocado Toast. It’s the perfect combination of healthy fats and good carbs (great for energy!)
  2. Hard Boiled Egg: If I am working out during my lunch break, then a hard boiled egg is a really easy and quick Pre-Workout snack. I hate being full when I workout, but this snack gives me the energy I need to get through my workout. 
  3. PB2 & Banana Oatmeal:  I eat this oatmeal almost every single morning for breakfast and it is the perfect fuel before a morning workout. Whole oats are a complex carb that produce a steady amount of glucose in your body, which helps to keep your energy levels up and going. 
  4. Blueberries & Walnuts: My most recent pre-work choice. I have been working out at lunch a lot recently and this has been a really quick and easy snack for me to bring to work with me. Blueberries are high in antioxidants and walnuts are a fat burning power food. It’s light but fuels me just enough. 
  5. Banana & Almond butter: I would have to say the yummiest choice of them all! I am literally obsessed with Almond Butter, and Bananas are one of my favorite foods, so it’s a win – win. Bananas are great for a pre-workout snack because they are filled with potassium and will keep your nutrient levels high throughout your workout! They are also a good source of carbohydrates.  Then almond butter is a great addition because it gives a hint or protein, fiber and healthy fats! This is a great Almond Butter brand

Post Workout Snacks/Meals 

  1. My Cake Batter Protein Smoothie: This smoothie, as seen here, is my favorite post workout meal. It’s delicious and is filled with protein! Plus, it literally tastes like cake batter. 
  2. Protein Pancakes: My favorite post workout meal after a weekend workout. During the week I do not have enough time to make them, but for a Saturday morning they are perfect! In my Ninja Bullet, I blend 1 scoop of protein powder, 1/4 banana, 1 egg, 3 TBSP almond milk and blend. Once blended, I pour the batter onto my non stick pan and cook just like normal pancakes! On top add sliced banana and blue berries! 
  3. Chicken & Broccoli: If I have a late night workout, then this is my post meal choice. Aka – dinner lol. The chicken is a lean mean that’s high in protein and then steamed vegetables are great because they are high in nutrients and fiber. Add sweet potatoes for a source of good carbs.
  4. Quest Bar: The perfect on the run post work out snack. When I do not have a lot of time, I always gram a Quest Bar. I love Quest Bars because they are not only delicious, but they are less than 200 calories, have over 20 grams of protein, only 2 grams of sugar and are gluten free. 
  5. Green Protein Smoothie: The perfect post work out smoothie after a morning workout. Just like my cake batter smoothie, it’s high in protein but the spinach gives it a kick of nutrients and fiber. You can find it here

What do you guys like to eat for your Pre & Post Workout snacks? 



One thought on “My Favorite Pre & Post Workout Snacks

  1. Love this post and I love the photos you made for it! I am always looking for new snacks to try pre/post workout! I want to try the protein pancakes!

    Lauren Lindmark


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